Old Omens: Journal Entry #010

Written: Tuesday. August 17, 2021.

My laptop's doing it's thing again where it doesn't want me to feel satisfied while using it. It's not as severe as other bad days, but this is like just enough to make me notice that it's struggle to process something again.

I finally recorded a gaming session of Clash Royale awhile ago, and uploaded the playthrough on my second YouTube Channel (Elmo's Extended Universe). I actually uploaded two videos today. Both were of Clash Royale. I dunno if I'll keep it up though. My tablet definitely still gives me a bad time every so often. But, I realized that I could just replay a game that I played if ever the recording fucks up.

I have this idea of making a new Supercell account that I would then try to level up as fast as I can, just to see if it's possible. Or, you know, just because I can.

If this journal entry feels a little bit out of it's regular quality, it's because I'm having a slight migraine. A very mild migraine. Can't stress how mild it is, but it's still a migraine. And also probably because I might be sleepy. I didn't really sleep in the afternoon today, which is nice. That means that I have a high chance of getting to sleep early tonight. Which would then mean that I'll be adjusting my body clock back to its normal schedule.

I woke up as early as maybe 6:50 am this morning, but I wasn't able to maintain being awake and went back to sleep, waking up at around 10:30 am, I think. I didn't read as much today. I tried reading the oldest Reader's Digest Mag in my Dad's Collection. I might read a little bit more after doing this journal entry. Or I might not.

I picked up my Nintendo Switch Lite today again and played Age of Calamity for a quick second. I haven't played my Switch in a few days. I'm currently doing an Only Impa Run (unless it requires me to bring along other characters), since I got done with the Only Link Run. I'm doing this for all of the characters, to sort of find out which play-styles I'm most fascinated with. But I already know that the Great Fairies will be the worst one to use out of the roster.

I still haven't bought myself another Switch game since buying Age of Calamity. I feel like I might just not buy a new game at all until the release of Breath of the Wild 2. Not because I have no money to spend—although that is a huge factor as to why I haven't been able to buy more games—but because I want to buy local books once I've got the money to do so.

I'm not doing that because I believe in "supporting the locals", or whatever bullshit movement youngsters say these days. I'm doing it because I want to read more local writers. I want to get the feel of local literature. If I'm planning to buy a published writer in the next ten years of my life, I'll probably need to know what the market wants, but not necessarily follow it. I just need to know the basics of how to get my work out there. Who do I need to speak to in order to gain a higher status among publishers. What do I need to show in order for publishers to even consider my work. Those kinds of things.

I watched the first episode of Person of Interest awhile ago. I kinda want to watch it again. I know it doesn't have a good ending, but it does have a good beginning. It made me think back on the Brandon Sanderson Online Lecture that I watched yesterday. The difference between Christopher Nolan and his brother, Jonathan Nolan, is that Chris is an architect, while Jonathan is a farmer. Chris knows how to end his stories, while Jonathan doesn't know how to end his stories.

Jonathan Nolan is the creator/director/producer of HBO's Westworld, as well as Person of Interest. Both shows have not-so-good endings (if we consider Season 3 of Westworld as the ending to the series, which at this point, it probably is because of how boringly dry it was).

BUT, and here's me trying to defend Jonathan Nolan now, J.J. Abrams is also a key factor as to why Westworld, Person of Interest, and additional Fringe, have mediocre endings. J.J. Abrams, sure he's a producer in these shows, but also he's been known not to have a full grasp when it comes to storytelling. He doesn't know how to tell stories, basically. He can make good looking movies, sure. But all that glamour is nothing if it doesn't have a good story. You can't polish a turd. It's still a piece of shit at the end of the day, no matter how much you make it look delectable.

I watched a few episodes of Kamen Rider today. I really hate the new clothing Hongou wears starting from episode 70 onward. He just wears this white shirt and pants, and it's inferior to his original costume design. Sure, you can argue that it's more tactile or whatever, but man, it looks hella dorky to me. Nothing more to discuss regarding the matter.

I read Suki, Alone awhile ago. The dialogue's not that great, but man does it land emotional beats at the end. I'm almost done reading all of the Avatar comics. I have one last comic series to go through, and once I'm done with that, I'll be re-watching The Legend of Korra.

Have I mentioned my utter hatred for the casting reveal on the Netflix Live-Action Adaptation of The Last Airbender? It sucks. The boy they got for Aang looks too young and couldn't probably defeat the Fire Lord. The one they got for Sokka looks like a tiktok star or some bullshit like that. The one they got for Zuko looks dry as fuck, and will never live up to the original Zuko, or even Dante Basco. The one they got for Katara was the one I didn't have most complaints on. Although, she also doesn't look the part for me. They should throw this project in the trash as early as possible. At this point, I don't know why they're even trying. Avatar doesn't need to be adapted into Live-Action.

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