Old Omens: Journal Entry #028

Written: Tuesday. September 7, 2021.

Not a lot to speak of today. I got back into the bad habit of sleeping in the afternoon, which causes me to stay up late until 2-3 am. I can't help it. I get sleepy in the afternoon. Plus, it's the bed weather days again. It drizzles every now and then, and my bed is just calling out to me.

I finished watching Initial D (First Stage) today. It's such a good anime, but the ending wasn't how I expected it. I thought for sure that they were gonna make Takumi lose in the final race for that season. Instead, he still won, and the battle was over quickly. It was still an intense battle, but it just felt like his enemy didn't go at it the whole way, you know? It felt like he somehow held back on the race. Or maybe it also has something to do with the things that actually happen in the race, or the lack thereof.

In Takumi's previous matches, he was able to do these unbelievably amazing stunts and stratagems. In this last race, though, he didn't really get to do much. Ryosuke Takahashi drove himself to his defeat. I thought it was gonna be about how he was always just testing his theories on a laptop, and that in order to truly be good at street racing, you have to actually do the racing, and that that would've been his downfall. What played out in the final race was kind of like that, but I guess it just wasn't executed well enough. Maybe it's also got to do with the hype that it built all throughout the season. I had such high expectations for that last battle, that when it finally happened, I was like—to quote Sir Gawain— "Is this all there is?".

After that, I didn't really do much in my day. I was able to fix 3 chapters from The Omnivault (the story I'm re-drafting), but I could've really done more, if I just didn't have distractions to worry about. I know that I've talked about this previously, but it's still a problem that I'm dealing with, and probably will be dealing with in the next couple of days or so...

Before I started this journal entry, though, I had done a gaming session for Advance Wars. It's been a few days or weeks since I last recorded a playthrough, and since it's Gaming Day, I figured today with be the appropriate day to get back into it. I should honestly be recording me playthroughs. It's just that I'm too indecisive on what to do first. This is my constant struggle in life.

The video that I'll be uploading on the gaming channel is currently rendering right now. I figured that if I played first, the render will be done once I've finished writing this journal entry and watched a couple YouTube videos, I guess. I hope.

What else could I talk about? I tried playing Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX, on my Nintendo Switch again. Just the demo versions. I don't have money to buy the full game yet. But if I did, I'd probably already have it displayed on my shelves, together with Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Sword & Shield, Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee, Origami King, Hades, Link's Awakening, etc.

I can't express enough how mad I am at not getting the money I deserve, for the videos that I produced on my Channel. It's this stupid copyright claiming system that YouTube has. I used it for Free Use, but I can't dispute the copyright claims because Telesuccess isn't allowing me to do so. Fuck them. I'm eternally disgraceful towards them. They should rot in hell for doing what they're doing.

I made a new discovery last night. I dunno if I've talked about this in the journal entry yesterday, but basically I figured out a way for me to record my pixel art sessions. Instead of using Photoshop, I could just use Aseprite while I'm recording on OBS. It's foolproof. I tried it yesterday, and it worked. Now, all I need is the energy to make new pixel art.

It's been such a long time since I've made any new pixel art. I should at least try to make some next month. Not this month, though. I'm gonna focus on finishing that story that I'm grammar fixing, which at this point, will probably take me the whole month to finish.

And then there's also the Gaming Channel that I'm working on. My goal is to at least gain 500 hours of watch time within this month. That's the goal. It's not looking too good, though. Since I'm only gaining hours through the Self-watch strategy that I'm doing. And even that's getting beaten by YouTube's AI system. I feel like they can detect when someone's self-watching on their own channel. The watch time suddenly disappears from the analytics, as though nothing happened.

I'm gonna keep on doing that, though. I'm also doing that strategy for my Main Channel, recently. It's not something to brag about, but my estimated revenue has now gotten back to at least a dollar. It used to go lower than a dollar, and once I started to do the self-watch thing, it went back to being a dollar at most. I miss the days when it was at least 5-7 dollars per 28 days. That, at least, is dignified. This ($1) is just humiliating.

I started reading Crossroads of Twilight this morning, though since it's Prologue is literally a hundred pages long, I'll probably end up stretching it into 2 days of reading. Or, I dunno. I might continue reading it after this journal entry.

Render Check: The video I'm currently processing is at 51%. I'm now out of anything to so for this journal entry, and am now just trying to stretch this out by placing a few more words, just to reach the quota of a thousand words per entry. Done.

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