Old Omens: Journal Entry #030

Written: Thursday. September 9, 2021.

I recorded another gaming session before starting this journal entry. The difference is that today's gaming session lasted an hour and a couple of minutes. I was playing Digimon Battle Spirit 2, and was using Lobomon this time around. I rarely play Lobomon anytime I get the energy to play this game. Now I'm certain as to why that is. I've always disliked playing as Lobomon in this game...now I fucking hate playing Lobomon in this game.

He's suck a difficult character to play as. I know that it isn't my skills that's faulty here. There's something wrong with his battle style. His range is fucking short, even though he has a green lightsaber. His reach is fucking awful. Agunimon's battle style allows him to maneuver across the arena quite easily. Lobomon doesn't have that same versatility in his attacks. He can't use a tornado move to fly across the map. He can't properly shoot because the attack is fucking tiny as hell. His sword rarely touches the enemy, because he can't jump that high enough or whatever. He's god damn awful. I hate every second of that final battle with Kerpymon. It felt like I was stuck in some sort of time-loop torture chamber or something. It was so frustrating. I had to cut down the final video to about 30+ minutes. Even my goddamn Tablet had to split the recording to two separate videos! That's how long it took me to end this nightmare.

But I guess it paid off, cause I was able to unlock Loweemon after going through that hellish nightmare. This was definitely not my fault. It's for sure because of Lobomon's coding or whatever. He's literally the complete opposite of Agunimon's battle style, and not in a good way. Oh my god. That shit took a toll on me.

I finally exercised again today. The last time that I mentioned it in this journal series, I talked a lot of crap that I wasn't able to follow through on. Like saying that I'll be continuing the workout sessions everyday or whatever. That ended up being a total lie. I didn't work out a single day after that, until today. I'm too lazy to start working out a lot right now. I'm not even gonna try telling myself that I might do another work out session tomorrow. I'll probably end up not doing shit tomorrow.

I watched a lot of Initial D today. I'm currently watching Season 2, and I'm almost done with it. I have about 3 episodes to go before I move on to the Third Stage, Fourth Stage, and all the other stages of this anime. I didn't like the animation style for this second season initially. But as I binged through a couple of episodes, it sort of just became normal to me. When the story is good—and believe me when I say that the story is definitely good in this season—you sort of forget that you hate the new animation style. It just doesn't matter.

Takumi finally lost a battle. Well, technically, he only lost because he was unstable at the time, and also cause his dad didn't change the engine to a better one. But the loss was very much needed at this point. Takumi was a Mary Sue, so I'm glad that he finally had a taste of defeat, even if it wasn't technically a defeat. It makes him a more believable character.

I like what they did with Natsuki's character. There's this side-story going on with her, that sort of leads to the idea that she might be sleeping with an older dude to get money or something. I haven't reached the revelation part of that story yet. So I'll update the journal once I have. But yeah, it's a very interesting aspect of the series. I know that they sort of bread-crumbed that b-story in the first season, but they're finally showing it to us in this second season.

I honestly have nothing to share when it comes to what I did within the day. I fixed a few chapters in The Omnivault awhile ago, but that's basically it. I haven't even picked up Crossroads of Twilight today in order to continue reading its 100 page-long prologue. I had to sleep a few hours in the afternoon because my nose was runny. It's the effect of the cold weather yesterday.

Today was a warm day. The rain had stopped. I miss the cold weather already.

My mind is telling me to talk about Castlevania right now. Maybe because Battle Spirit 2 somehow reminded me of that game franchise. I might try playing it one of these days (and also record the play-through, of course). I don't really like Castlevania. I played it when I was younger, but I've never really had the urge to play it as often as I would for Paper Mario or Pokemon or Legend of Zelda. It's sort of a Grade-B video game franchise for me, alongside the Metroid series. No, scratch that. Thinking of it more clearly, this is a Grade-C type of video game genre, in my opinion. Tactical games such as Advance Wars and Fire Emblem (even if I rarely finish them) comes second after the Grade-A video games that I often play (Paper Mario, Zelda, Pokemon).

If I dig even deeper in this train of thought, games like Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2, Mother 3, and Mario & Luigi, act like Grade-B or C games for me. I honestly wanna make a proper list because of this. I'm interested to see how it actually looks.

I guess I'm going to have to watch a couple of episodes Mighty Max after writing this. The video I'm rendering on my Tablet is at 49%. So I have to wait the exact same time that it took for me to finish writing this journal entry for today.

Not much to say about Mighty Max just yet. But I like that the cast of characters didn't just stick to Max and his two strange companions. The third episode focused on this black haired girl from Max's class. I like her.

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