New Frustrations: Journal Entry #06

Written: Saturday. January 22, 2022.

The days of me needing to have some writing done within a day are coming close once again, I feel. I've been too infrequent on these journal entries lately. And I'm only writing right now because I felt like writing might be the catharsis that I need in order to get out of this rut that I'm in currently. I've been feeling exhausted in the past few days. 

The amount of things that I do within a day are generally the same. I open up my tablet to play my first axie account, and then go downstairs to open up the computer in preparation for watching Showtime in the background whilst still playing the Adventure portion of my first account. I'll then proceed to use the Amiibo cards that I bought for my Breath of the Wild game on the Switch. After that, my phone's been charged up in order to be played. Once I finish playing my two axie accounts, I then go back to playing my Nintendo Switch, because by that time I'm waiting for lunch to arrive. Once lunch is over, I go upstairs in order to either read a chapter of a book or play my Nintendo Switch again until the battery drains and I have to plug in the charger on it and wait for 90%. I go to take a nap, and once I wake up, I either watch an episode of Dairugger or go downstairs to eat dinner. Once I eat dinner, I go back upstairs and try to finish the chapter I'm reading.

What I ultimately fail on doing out of that routine is to do some lifting or some stretching. So I guess that's the easy answer to this problem that I'm having internally.

I've been helping my friend Kurt get his subscribers up, so that he'll eventually get monetized and get paid for his vlogs like I do with my own videos. That part of the day is probably what drains me. I interact with random strangers on the internet in order to gain their individual subscriptions, and I do this for as many as I can within the day. The downside to this conquest is that not all of the people tend to stay subscribed to the channel, which sucks cause it shows that people can't be trusted, no matter how hard you try. No matter how strong my trust in people are, people just don't give back the same values you give to them. And I don't know if that's because it's the fault of those kinds of people, or if it's innate in human nature to not be good Samaritans.

The other thing that keeps me up at night, other than the thoughts going through my brain, is the stupid fucking idiot of a neighbor that I have here in Manila. This fucking cunt has friends from the states, and that's why he only ever opens his fucking mouth during night time, WHEN PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY TRYING TO FUCKING SLEEP NEXT DOOR!

I ordered myself some earplugs last night, so hopefully when it arrives, I won't be able to hear his fucking voice anymore. Just muffles, but that would hopefully be enough to get me sleeping.

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