The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_017.

Written: Sunday. February 19, 2023.

It's been a while since I've written an entry on my Asus laptop. I've been writing the previous entries on my chromebook since the ease of use with that device is really incomparable to my Asus laptop. And it's ironic that I'm focusing on roasting my Asus Laptop whilst using said Asus laptop.

The keyboard on this thing is definitely better, but that's not to say that the chromebook's keyboard sucks. Both are excellent when I type away on it, but typing on the Asus laptop feels more relaxed. I have to do some work on the Chromebook's. Just a little.

Anyway, I've actually been thinking of selling this Asus laptop of mine. I know, right? This is getting even more ironic. The reason why is because while I was at Fishermall, I visited the Huawei store there, and took a look at their Matebook D14, which in hindsight could have been the laptop that I originally bought with my first salary + Kurt's financial help. That laptop looks and feels much better than this Asus laptop of mine. The design is sleek and simple, which is what I aim for in a laptop. I want to have something that resembles a Mac book, but with Windows OS. And that's exactly how many people would describe Huawei's laptops.

I could possibly sell this to my friend Kurt if he decides that he wants a better laptop than the one he has now. The problem is that he's got such a great performing PC already, and I don't think buying a new and fast laptop is a top priority for him right now. But if it happens that his laptop were to somehow get broken or give up on him in the near future, then I'll shoot my shot and sell this Asus laptop of mine to him.

If not Kurt, then I'll have to find a buyer online. I'd have to post the thing on FB Marketplace, or Shopee/Lazada. I don't really like doing that, since that seems and sounds like a lot of work, and I'm a lazy son of a bitch.

If not that, then I could potentially bring the laptop to Greenhills and find the highest bidder. I wouldn't ever settle for 30K on that thing. I'll sell it for 40K flat, and the adjustable price could be 35-37K. But of course, the adjusting starts at 39K...

The problem with selling my Asus laptop, and then buying the Matebook D14, makes my Chromebook pretty useless at that point. Because the main reason why I bought my Chromebook was because I didn't feel like the Asus laptop was actually "portable" or easy to bring around and set on any table or my actual bed. I bought my Chromebook because it's small and it served a specific purpose (of being a writing/productivity device).

If I buy the Huawei Matebook D14, I'd be having both the internal qualities of my Asus Laptop, and the external qualities of my Lenovo Chromebook. I'd be able to edit photos and videos easily since it's got great specs, and it's a lightweight, easy to carry around laptop like my Chromebook.

I'd still be able to play games with the Matebook, but I don't even do that now on the Asus Laptop that I currently have. I just don't feel like I wanna play any games on that thing other than Valorant. I don't even wanna play games on a laptop in general! I'd prefer to just use a laptop for productivity and nothing else. That's what a laptop is supposed to be, not an all-around performing device.

There isn't much that I'd want to write about in this weekend. I went out at partied at Kurt's Mom's Birthday celebration. It was a waste of my time, but there was free food and booze, so that kind of balanced things out for me.

Bought three bargain books in Chapters & Pages (Fishermall). They were mostly old Sci-Fi novels. I'll probably read those books by 2024...I'm not even joking. That's actually possible given my recent reading performance these past few months.

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