The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_022.

Written: Sunday. March 12, 2023.

Woke up early for some reason, so I might as well write something about the couple of days that passed by.

Yesterday (Saturday, March 11), my mother and I went to Gateway Cubao in order to go to the National Book Store Outlet Branch. The store had an event where they were selling 10 books for only 100 pesos. That in itself was a reason to go to the store. But once we got there, I didn't really anticipate the possibility that there'd be a whole lot of people lining up to buy books in that store. And there were a whole lot of people yesterday...a whole lot.

And the wait was unjustified (at least, for me), because the kind of books that they had there were downright uninteresting to me. There weren't a lot of pocket books, but there were a lot of educational reference books. There were also a lot of Celebrity books, which nobody wanted to buy, because there were still a lot of copies when we got there.

I bought a few pocket books that I'll probably regret getting, and some books that I'll probably give to my mom in order to sell. I did, however, get to find a copy of Young Blood 6, which is nice. It's an anthology series of short stories from various Filipino authors. I wanted to buy one since I saw Young Blood 7 in NBS a few years ago, but the price always kind of put me off. 1 volume costs about 500 pesos. Right now, I could easily buy it, but back then, 500 pesos was a lot to spend for just 1 book, especially considering the fact that I could buy a dozen bargain books with that 500 pesos if I happened to go to any Book Sale or Chapter & Pages branch.

In other news, the disposable cameras that I ordered online also came yesterday. I bought an Ilford HP5 Plus 400 for myself, and an Ilford XP2 Super 400 for Claire, as a birthday gift this year.

It was honestly inevitable that I would get into the Film Photography game. It was only a matter of "when". I can't recall how long I've been watching grainydays's channel, but his videos have definitely been a major influence on my decision to start buying disposable film cameras.

I brought the Ilford HP5 with me yesterday on our trip to NBS, and I took 2 photos while we were there. I took one photo of my mom with the books we were gonna buy, and I also took a photo of the "10 books for 100 pesos" signage that can be seen all around the book store that day, just as like a photo to capture and establish what was happening during the time I took those 2 photos.

The Ilford HP5 has about 27 shots, and I've only got 25 shots left. My plan is to take a photo each day, and sometimes 2 photos for each day if there's like an event that happens that day, like my Brother's birthday, the 4 event days that I'll be attending this month, etc.

On regular boring days, I'll just take 1 photo. And once I'm done with the roll of film inside of the Ilford HP5, I'll go to a photo store and develop the photos. This sort of strategy will be great, because it means that I'll only really spend 1K+ on a disposable camera each month. And I'll be doing that for as many months as it takes before I run out of disposable cameras to buy on Lazada. That'll probably take about a year to finish, more or less.

For now, this feels exciting. It feels like each day I have something to look forward to, because I'm always thinking, in the back of my head, what kind of scene I'll want to capture.

For today, though, I'll probably take a photo of the Church we go to here in Severina. The Padre Pio Church.

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