The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_023.

Written: Tuesday. March 14, 2023.

Gotta get this written down before I forget it. I probably won't, but whatever.

Yesterday morning, I woke up early to drink a glass of water. My dad doesn't have work on Mondays, so I saw him playing with the cats that have taken their spot here in our house's front garage. I saw it as a moment to take a picture with on my Ilford HP5 Disposable Camera. Quickly grabbed my film camera, and took a shot of my dad with the cats as they were eating their food.

Afterwards, my dad told the tale of how he got my mom to be near where he worked. He said that back then, there was a time when one of his sisters (one of my aunts) had an event of some kind, and they needed a photographer for the event, and so they hired my dad—who knew probably nothing professional level when it came to taking pictures.

So he was the photographer for the event, and someone from the event (a friend of his, I think. Or a would-be friend in the near future) noticed him photographing the event, and then hired him to be a photographer for another event. This person asked my dad how much would the photos cost, and he said that it was a favor. And he has this saying that "favors are paid with favors". And so the favor he asked in return was to get my mom to work inside his like section in the company that they were both working in at the time.

And I guess the rest was history.

It's weird. I've probably heard that tale from him once or maybe a few times already. But only this time did it actually got my attention. A few weeks ago, I had done something similar.

It's not like I asked for a favor that would get a certain individual to be at close proximity to me so that I could have an easier time courting them or something. I was asked to be a photographer for a wedding of one of my cousins, and I didn't ask for money in return. I asked for nothing. I asked for a favor. And that favor was if ever I wanted to apply for a job in the same company as my cousin and her now-husband, that they would make it easy for me to get in.

I mean, I don't know yet if I would actually apply for that job, but the parallels are there.

And recently, I just bought a disposable camera. And that's what kind of got my dad to lead up to marrying my mom. It was through film photography! It's like I unknowingly completed a circle of life that spanned from my dad and that favor of his, up until now where I've started my journey into film photography.

It's symbolic, in a way. And probably also complete nonsense, but I'd rather think that it all means something.

Only time will tell.

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