The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_025.

Written: Saturday. March 18, 2023.

I drank two Coke in Cans awhile ago at the christening I went to, that's why at 11:40pm, I'm writing this entry down, and I can't sleep. I hope I get sleepy after writing this.

So yeah, I went to Claire's daughter's christening, and hung out for a few hours with my good friend Jaydee. I don't get to talk about Jaydee a lot in these journals, but that's mainly because he's not a part of my life as much. He's sort of a passing friend. Definitely a good friend to hang out with and chat, but since we somewhat have different circles of friends, and not that much in common, that sort of adds to the reason why I don't talk about him that much in the journals.

Plus, I only ever really get to see my college friends whenever there's a birthday celebration, or a christening, or something related to that. Kurt's the only constant friend that I have that I met in college...and we were only classmates for a semester. That's how strong that bond is.

But yeah, Jaydee's a cool guy. He's an introvert like me, but he definitely has a lot more friends than I do. Mine won't exceed the total number of fingers and toes that I have. I might even lose a finger/toe or two, and my total number of friends would still be lower.

I'm quitting my job. Officially. I just gave my notice a few hours ago. I'm definitely confident about this decision. It's been on my mind for a few months now. It's generally fine, since if I was working a regular job that had a contract, I'm only allowed to leave the company after six months of working for them. Or at least that's what I know. I bet that people could leave if it was like a serious situation of needing to leave because of harassment issues or something toxic like that. I probably would've left my job after a month if I had started working this month.

This month has been seriously difficult for the company I'm working at, so it's definitely been a difficult time for us employees as well. They brought in a new guy to micro-manage us. I haven't felt this guy's micro-managing first-hand, but I see it happening in the other employees, and so that stresses me out. Because if it already feels annoying when I'm just seeing it as a third person, how much more if it's happening to me?

Since I'm gonna be unemployed after this month, my Film Photography plans are probably gonna go down the drain...or at least be shelved until I've gotten a new job. I can keep buying new disposable cameras each month to use and make content out of if I'm not gaining that money back somehow. Obviously a bummer, but sacrifices have to be made.

I'm gonna focus on my mecha anime niche on my YouTube Channel for now. That's proven to give me views and revenue. Small revenue, but that's still revenue earned. I can see my channel growing if I worked full time on it.

Okay, I'm kind of sleepy now.

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