Time Yourself for Exactly 30-Minutes | The Modern Hidalgo

It works. It gets you focused. It gets it done.
Written: Wednesday. January 29, 2020.

I tested out something quite interesting awhile ago. I tried reading the book that I was reading for 30-minutes straight. Not that I wasn’t reading books as long as 30 minutes. I could definitely be reading books within 30 minutes or more. That’s not the point.

The point here is this: I specifically timed 30 minutes on myself using my phone, so that I could just read-through the book that I’m reading as much as I can until the timer started beeping.

And it actually felt like I was able to read more than usual. I dunno, maybe it’s just a placebo-effect that’s happening with me while I do it. Or maybe it’s something else entirely. All I know is that it worked.

I was able to maintain an amount of productivity to this one task, while managing my time in doing so. And I was able to do the same thing when I played a video game just awhile ago, before I started writing this journal entry of mine. I put 30 minutes on the clock, and once my phone started beeping, it was time for me to stop playing that video game.

It’s this mixed sense of urgency and relaxation that’s making the whole thing work. I time myself for an amount of time, and the only thing I have to worry about is getting that one task done for as long as the clock is still ticking.

It gets the job done, so the evidence shows. But of course, I don’t really have literal evidence to prove to you that it was possible. So you’re just gonna have to fucking trust me on this one.

Try doing it on your own. I hear people do something similar, where they set the clock for about 25 minutes, take a break for 5, then continue on with another 25 minutes of doing that task.

That’s great and all, but I prefer the rounded number of 30 rather than an incomplete number of 25. Like, it’s just 5 more minutes of work, why not just total it? Right? Those are my two cents, I guess.

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I wasn’t as productive as I should’ve been. Well, define productive first.

Here’s why:

I’ve set out this video idea in my head that I was gonna do it this week(most specifically on a Wednesday). I actually did it on a Tuesday. I recorded the video yesterday, as I’ve mentioned on the last journal entry. But that recorded video of me talking about the things that I enjoyed this month ended up being trashed, because I just didn’t see it as an entertaining thing to watch.

It wasn’t even entertaining to me! So why push through with that? It was literally a 1-hour long raw footage of me just talking to the camera about things I was interested on.

So I fucking had to do it again awhile ago. But this time, I was able to say what I needed to say in a matter of 15 minutes or so. And I was done by the 13 minute mark, it just got longer because I had to close the damn video by saying the usual “like and subscribe” shit that I always say at the end of a video.

I mean, the turnout wasn’t that good either; but it was okay. It was okay enough for me to put out there on my main channel. And that’s what matters at the end of the day.
You do something, you finish it…unless that something is Thesis, which is a completely different story.
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Let’s talk about ideas.

While I was in the middle of editing that new video of mine, my mind was able to come up with a new idea. It’s sort of connected to the whole video that I was editing, actually.

The idea is this: What if I recorded my thoughts and posted it on another account? The account is just gonna be filled with videos that I wouldn’t really have to show to the public on purpose.

These videos would be about my attempts on trying to speak in English in the most correct and accurate way as possible. I can’t even talk in English in a decent way. This would be my chance to practice.

That’s all it is, actually. That idea only serves as a way for me to practice my vocal chords. I could even practice voice acting, for that matter! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, though.

The reason I wanna do this is this: I often, if not always, stutter whenever I try to say something, or try to explain a thought that I have, or even try to prove my point.
I stutter. I fail in saying a decent sentence. And I zone out a lot.
I have a lot of problems, honestly. But let’s just focus on this one problem for now. I’m probably gonna start by reciting a whole book. And I already know just the right book to read off of.

Mythology by Edith Hamilton. This book has been sitting on my study table for quite a few years already. I haven’t read it fully to this day. And now’s the chance to do so.

I just couldn’t find the interest anymore on trying to read off of it. I’m not really gaining any useful information from it. But I dunno, I may be wrong. I haven’t read all of it yet. But I will, soon.

That’s not the only thing I’ll be doing with that channel. I’m probably gonna do some personal sessions. Meaning, I’ll record a full episode of just me talking to myself; trying my best to explain things about my life and the things that bother me or excite me.

It’s gonna be interesting, and it’s basically a step towards getting to a place where I could create my own podcast.

We’re gonna get there eventually. But very very very slowly.

And I mean, as slow as a turtle.

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